Monday, April 21, 2008


EDIT: I apologize for the horrible quality of the original post I wrote this after taking a sleeping pill. Note to self... Never do that again. I have gone back and edited the post in hopes that it will be more readable.

The dreaded word, you would swear the man who said it should be put to death and that his tongue be cut out. Nay a schism nay never a schism, however practically we know schisms have a time and a place and must be followed throught and concluded. When a part of the body becomes corrupt it must be removed for the sake of the whole. We have become a body seeking to keep every limb cherish it love it will its goodness, however I ask brothers at what coast? Why do we seek to hold this dieing body together. Does not the Doctor cut away those parts of the body which have been deemed harmful. Some of us pray and pray very fervently for a strong healthy body, for a body which which will fight off evil everywhere in the world. I pray with the same fever that those in our communion might with God's Grace repent and turn to him saying "FATHER FATHER I HAVE SINNED, I HAVE LEAD MANY AWAY BUT I BEG YOU LORD GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE, LET ME RETRIEVE THOSE SHEEP I HAVE LOST, AND I WILL BRING NOW SHEEP STILL LOST".

This is what we want true, however it is not possible, Christianity is not a religion of compromise we cannot continue to pretend that the body is healthy and no part must go. In fact there are loud screams sent up from the arm saying "Cut off the hand quickly it is spreading to the elbow. We must lay waste to all heterodox, but we must always keep them in our prayer "Lord grant them the light of truth" be upon our lips and "Lord grant me the knowledge of wisdom to know and share the light."

the threads

there are three threads that weave down to still more threads. Take the three main bodies of Anglicanism The progressive who have their hands in every things. The Protestant Anglicans. here this group can be broken down into The evangelicals and the Reformed. The other group is that of the Anglo-Catholics and the Continuum.

To make things more simple for you there are the Progressives in one corner, Then in another corner there are the Protestants, and still in the third corner the Catholics. In reality we have within the Anglican Communion these three churches, and while yes it is true that there are others that are smaller in reality these smaller bodies are nothing more than shoot offs of the larger bodies.

So seeing the mess we are in there is only one thing we can do; Arius has arising again he and his false doctrine have consumed the majority of the church. 90% of the Church is heterodox and Arius in his discourse on the street turns to Athanasius and say "Athanasius convert, don't you see the whole world is on my side. and then he Athanasius in the strength of God 'I will never convert, I will never give up what is true." and Arius replies "All believe as I do Athanasius convert and belive" and then he said those famous words "athanasius contra mundo".

We must expel the progressives before they progress us into a never ending progression of nothingness. Here we will have a small church for a while yes but we will have a more doctrinally pure church as well. and after the surgery to remove the progressive cancer, we must then agree that it is time for a separation. I do not mean a divorce or a schism that had been done with the progressives, this is something quite different. In a covenant which is established for the purpose of foundation of unity the following will be laid out.
  1. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:(2Tim 3:15)
  2. That the Church is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth(1 Tim 3:15)
  3. That we do not contain the Authority to change the Teaching of Christ.
  4. That We commit ourselves wholly to Christ Jesus.
  5. That we are devoted to the search of truth upon the path of Holiness.
  6. That through this brief separation though we remain in the same communion we may develop and make clear our distinctly different theological differences and that we might be able to after time and thought be able to enter into a discourse by which to test our believes to know if they are true or false.
  7. It should also be rendered that during the time of this division each party may work out their own governmental structure so long as they do not subject bishops to the rule of Priests, Priests to the rule of Deacon, and Deacons to the rule of Laity, for all are called to serve and some are called to serve in different ways. The Divine Hierarchy cannot be corrupted or perverted, there may however be suitable and necessary a second layer to the governmental system, this is to say God has given us a frame work and said do with it as you will but do not alter the original frame.
So the Evangelicals and Reformed (low church) being left to its own for a while, and the Anglo-Catholics and the Continuum (High Church) being left to its own for a while will permit both sides to grow and define Anglicanism. It will also allow them to grow in friendship as those assigned by the two parties will begin to enter into dialog. In the course of this dialog a search for truth must be at our true aim, as St. C.S. Lewis says we must not ask "Do i like this door" but "Is this true".

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